Sunday, July 27, 2008

Social Networking Sites - Are they worth it?

Recently I came across a fascinating incident that I decided to make an article of it. Don't worry, but I'll keep it short so I won't bore you about what you probably already know.

It starts with someone who is running for local office who uses a popular social media website called LinkedIn. While putting together his new website and preparing his lists of who endorses him and who does not and who he has not asked yet and those who he will not ask and so on, he sends the lists to the web developer who has designed his site and will be sending out invites and the whole details about the campaign...well, an honest mix-up happened that the wrong list got published online and someone on that list got an alert from Google about it.

What happened next was this person had decided to write to the candidate about it (which was the right thing to do) and the candidate responded within 7 hours of the posting which had taken place from a Friday night to an early Saturday morning. Are you getting this picture, yet? Right, no harm was done in any way. The page was permanently deleted so that the Google bots would no longer show it and a response was posted on LinkedIn and also sent out as an apology for the mistake.

While this was happening one of the persons had decided that this was not enough apparently and continued to write about it, created this entire article which appeared as if it was a masterpiece we all should read about. Although it now has somewhat of a story about it, it really was fabricated because the person reacted out of his own mind and created this entire mess with copy and pasting of this persons website onto his very own domain (copyright infringement) and links to other well-known non-profit organizations (in clear violation of their terms and conditions) just to make a point and in the process, and smear this person's name and website.

Let this be a lesson to all of you who decide to build a list of contacts and call them 1rst-Level Contacts. It could bite you in the ass and cause problems later on down the road. It was obvious that just by an honest mistake this person who happened to be a first level contact decided to do two things at once. First, contact this candidate about the mistake and the problem was corrected and solved. Second, decided to slam this person at the same time as if he was reading his mind and clearly it was to 'get even'. I read this persons blog pages and his website and it's so obvious that it just makes me want to puke.

You see, when you write you should truly write about what has happened, NOT what did not happen. You can write about something that happened, but if you don't tell the entire story about it and how it was corrected and how it was an honest mistake...when you deliberately leave out these facts so that you have a 'story', it becomes exactly this...a story. Really, it becomes a lie. A complete fabricated part truth, but told to you in a different light that only the author knows about, but you are not aware of. It's 'Alice in Wonderland' folks. He used a part truth to create a hypothetical story that actually did not happen, but could have, but turned it into another hypothetical using this persons real name.

This person has continued to post his fabricated story (several modifications) out of anger and hate because he feels he has a story to tell. I read it and it's so difficult to swallow that if someone really used their list to post an endorsement of their entire contacts without permission, don't you think that it could easily be resolved and then taken care of and/or dealt with accordingly? Absolutely it could. Would it have caused you business? No, I don't think so. I don't think we're all that important, only in our own minds. It's not enough to cost you business if it was dealt with quickly and accordingly which it was.

Here's my point. On LinkedIn you can network with others and share each others contacts. If you grant permission to those in your first-level contacts you can actually view all their contacts and also contact them. So, let's say I decided to write about it. Let's say I take this guys story and make it my own story...or at least make it a story that has some content or meaning. I decide to inform you that 'someone' has taken this particular candidates first level contacts and post them on a page so that he can show YOU that he made up this endorsement page that is phony. You see what I mean? I just told you that it is possible that someone can take your list and post it to make you look bad. However, I can choose to either make an example out of someone or just post an IDEA about what could happen (a hypothetical). The interesting part about it is, this person did both. He still has an illegal copy of the website on his site, now it's a forwarded PDF web page so there are no links about it any longer. Probably someone complained about it.

It's no wonder why not too many good citizens want to run for public office these days because they can get into issues with amateur writers who could be in their network or anything else and then decide to slam them for what has appeared to be pure hate and pay-back and then fabricated stories. As my editor would tell me, 'Jon, it's not worth the paper its printed on'. And I agree. It's false, it's misleading, it's talking about a story that does not tell the entire truth and it still mentions this persons name with the intent to try to get others on his personal contacts to no longer want to be apart of.

I'm not going to show you the links yet of this persons blogs or web sites because at this time I feel it does not deserve any credit. I'm just pissed-off that it is a fact that this person took a simple short-timed honest mistake and turned it into something (fabricated) he now is covering up as he mentioned (hypothetically) and still posts so called 'evidence' of this other person.

This is not true journalism nor is it a true article. It's a fabricated story made up of an honest mistake written to make you think another way when in fact it came from something else totally different. What a hoax!

NOTE: I purposefully left out links to the information of this article because I do not want to continue something that should be taken care of by these individuals. However, I'm going to keep my eye out on these links and this person who slammed this LinkedIn member and contact of his who is running a local election. He really needs to take it down and then if he feels it's important enough, then he needs to mention that it is a hypothetical story and not a story that actually happened because even though it started out that way it actually did not happen this way because it was NOT the intent of the candidate to do so, it was an honest mistake that got the 'Alice in Wonderland' fairytale imagination of this contact who re-acted instead of taking the time to take care of it. It's called truth in media.

However, if I see no changes I will post the links. I wonder what his employer would think of his work and how this person really is? Why not? He seems to post his name and links to his business without any issues.

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